TAV Houston Booster Club

TAV Booster Club is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization consisting of

volunteers. The mission is to promote a positive, inclusive and spirited

environment that supports TAV athletes, families, coaches and staff

through club communication, planned events and fundraising for the betterment of the organization.

We are excited to offer booster club memberships for the 2024 season. Please consider selecting a membership tier to continue and support Booster Clubs efforts to our athletes and families at TAV Houston Volleyball. Joining booster club is easy and is also FREE. We currently accept tiered membership amounts that offer some Exclusive membership perks. Booster dues allow us to continue our mission and journey to provide support through our hosted activities as well as our first annual awards banquet for all teams and

potential for player scholarship funds.

Please join us and be a part of TAV's success as we move forward with the goal of empowering our players, family and staff with relationships of support and inclusivity at TAV Houston.

Become A Member Today

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